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25 ment. To what extent can artistic practice or aesthetic experience serve as a kind of therapeutic agent to heal suchlike damaged social relations and restore a practical site within society for the individual? B: We are working to subvert the regulations of the art system to establish artistic thinking as a participative act to get ef- fective in shaping of social processes. A transgression from ‘object’ to ‘site’, where it is no longer the artistic object/thing but rather the site that is the occurrence. A ‘taking place’ whereby processes are transformed. And thus, the geographical, cultural and social site. JR: Might it then be even more likely that art creates a practical site for the individual and his inter-subjective evolution? Of late, you have been dealing increasingly with the phenomena of remote locations, a concentrated form of production and reflection. Does this also correspond to your scheme? B: Yes. This interview between BURGHARD and Jakob Rácˇek, the exhibition curator, took place prior to the exhibit ‘Es gibt Ordnungen.’, which will be shown at the Staatliche Kunsthalle Baden-Baden‘s studio space ‘45cbm’.
